An industrial tow truck driver suffering from insomnia returns to his childhood home after the untimely death of his father, to discover that a paranormal presence has been living in the house and hau...
Amber Gray catches the attention of an elite group of students during her first semester at university. During the initiation, Amber and the York Witches' Society unintentionally awaken an ancient...
Grace, an aspiring model, is thrilled to have fashion photographer Hunter Kelly help launch her career. But when the photo shoot becomes a kidnapping showing Hunter's true intentions to use Grace as h...
Four young people come to Mallorca to enjoy idyllic summer holidays, but delving into the most inhospitable places on the island will begin a hellish journey....
The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only sa...
It's supposed to be a fresh start One year after the loss of her husband, Nicole settles with her young adult children Justine and Jason in Purity Falls. First, the family is greeted by a warm welcome...