颓唐邋遢的哈伯(Chance A. Rearden 饰)曾经是某个名噪一时的儿童秀主持人,但他早已不复当年的辉煌,节目收视率持续走低,哈伯则自暴自弃,饮酒作乐,任意妄为,甚至搞砸节目的录制。最终,他失去了这份干了半辈子的工作。在此之后,他打电话找来自己的粉丝以及唯一好友——刚刚通过医生考试的青年德文(Wade F. Wilson 饰)。醉醺醺的哈伯声称要从事人偶生意,而且还送给德文一个大号的偶噶布...
莉莉·詹姆斯、沙扎德·拉蒂夫(《星际迷航:发现号》《低俗怪谈》)、艾玛·汤普森将主演爱情喜剧片《这和爱有什么关系?》(What’s Love Got To Do With It?),谢卡尔·卡普尔(《柏林,我爱你》《青年莎士比亚》)执导,Jemima Khan(《美国犯罪故事》《克林顿丑闻》)写剧本。详细剧情未知,将是一部跨文化、设定在伦敦和南亚、关于爱情和婚姻的电影。...
Unlucky Dasha believes that it will help the online training - for a month visit the 30 dates, and then the man of her dreams will find her. Just to stay alive after a meeting with crazy cavalry and t...
Follows Raj Patel, who is an expert at math but is also secretly obsessed with his late father's dream of becoming a rap musician, and he almost loses everything in his attempt to achieve multiple...
A professional thief with $40 million in debt and his family's life on the line must commit one final heist - rob a futuristic airborne casino filled with the world's most dangerous criminals....