Dee, a non-binary freelance illustrator, is locked into a lease they can't afford. Dee's younger sister, Amy, enacts a plan to find the perfect roommate. Enter Rachel, a queer British bartende...
In 2245, the Earth’s sun has dwindled and no longer provides the energy needed to sustain human life.Five hired mercenaries travel to an uncharted planet to collect a rare mineral known as stardust to...
During Harry Houdini's tour of Britain in 1926, the magician enters into a passionate affair with a Scottish woman.
Amazon拿下Jenny Han的YA小说《我变美的那夏天 The Summer I Turned Pretty》(《致所有我曾爱过的男孩 To All the Boys I've Loved Before》作者的另一作品)改编权,并准备弄成一部8集剧,作者本人会负责首集剧本。