A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment...
The story will follow the fate of a family of Syrian refugees, a solitary English teacher from Afghanistan and a young border guard, all of whom meet on the Polish-Belarusian border....
Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has a healthy baby, and works a cool gig as the director of hardcore porno fare. Jim's se...
Après la mort de leur père, deux demi-frères se retrouvent opposés l'un à l'autre au sein d'un conflit qui pourrait tout embraser et avoir des conséquences tragiques....
One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult briskly, watching her family and soviet childhood smashing into pieces. So does Ukraine in the earl...