哈尔?乔丹(Hal Jordan)原本是一名试飞员,后被飞船在地球坠毁的绿灯侠Abin Sur的戒指召唤成为“绿灯侠”、负责保卫地球和银河地区的治安。在多年的战斗中他立下了赫赫功劳,被称为“史上最伟大的绿灯侠”,同时也是“正义联盟”(JLA)的创立者之一。
In brightest day, in blackest night,
no evil shall escap...
Monsters and shootouts abound in this animated western comedy following an overconfident kid, his apathetic partner, and a spider-girl with some serious boundary issues. What will m.ysgou.cc it take t...
The creators of Phineas and Ferb present a series about the descendant of the namesake for Murphy's law, which states that if anything can go wrong, it will....