In the cutthroat world of pro soccer, a club lives and dies by the stars on its under-21 team. They are the future and lifeblood of any franchise, but most will never make it. 21 THUNDER is the story ...
在3×01《No Place Like Home》中,动物感染事件已经过去整整10年,大多数动物都被治好了。再没有黑熊闯入普通民居的厨房,再没有老鼠肆虐电梯,华盛顿特区的街道也不再像非洲野生动物园。一切看起来都在好转,但人类却付出了高昂的代价——用来治愈动物的药物通过空气传播至全球,人类逐渐失去了生育能力。一种被称作「混种」的新威胁开始出现,它们是实验室里制造出的怪物大军,没人能阻止它们毁灭人类的...
这部《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)前传故事设置在1980年间,讲述了少女凯莉·布莱肖度过青春期,面对母亲的死亡,寻找一生挚爱的故事。当然我们已经知道,凯莉的灵魂伴侣不是某位男士,而是灯红酒绿的曼哈顿!
On a tireless quest to find his missing daughter Jody, Nelly will go to any length to uncover the truth and he'll discover more about himself and those around him than he could have e...