Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, ...
在蜿蜒流长的亚马逊河流域的雨林深处,生活着古老而神秘的舒尔族。他们与世隔绝,以食人蛇为叩拜图腾。围绕着舒尔族人的传说和秘密让雨林之外的人们振奋不已。人类学家史蒂文?凯(埃瑞克?斯图尔茨 Eric Stoltz 饰)对舒尔人颇感兴趣,他和纪录片导演泰莉?劳瑞(杰妮佛?洛佩 兹 Jennifer Lopez 饰)组成一个七人摄制组,前往雨林为这神秘的部族拍摄纪录片。路上,他们搭救了一个名叫保罗?沙龙(...
Danny is a content truck driver, but his girl Peggy shows potential as a dancer and hopes he too can show ambition. Danny acquiesces and pursues boxing to please her, but the two begin to spend more t...