皮克斯知名动画《怪兽电力公司》《怪兽大学》将拍衍生剧集,登陆迪士尼流媒体Disney+,最新宣布大量信息:剧名为《怪兽上班》(Monsters At Work,暂译),2020年推出,电影版配音“大眼仔”比利·克里斯托和“毛怪”约翰·古德曼等都回归继续配音。设定在《怪兽电力公司》背景时间后六个月,怪物电力公司如今能够靠着收获孩子们的笑声而不是尖叫来为城市发电,多亏了大眼和毛怪的发现,笑声能产生比尖...
Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in the whispering woods. She-Ra and Swift Wind, who we...
Catra is capturing all the Conceals on Beast Island because they have been aiding the Horde's prisoners. Only Laa-See escapes to find Loo-Kee in the whispering woods. She-Ra and Swift Wind, who we...
When Catra steals the Crystal Crown, Bow and Glimmer decide to get it back, certain that She-Ra will save them if they get into trouble. Adora follows them, but makes sure to teach them to take care o...
《非常病患》是部别具一格、鼓舞人心的新剧集,故事主角是患有轻度脑瘫的男同性恋莱恩,他决定改写自我身份,并最终追求自己向往的生活。经过多年没有前途的实习,穿着睡衣当博主并主要通过文字进行交流,莱恩最终找到改变凄凉,迎来光芒的出路,开始磕磕绊绊长大成人。这部标新立异的喜剧改编自剧集创剧人兼主演的莱恩·欧康纳的半自传书籍《我很特别:以及我们告诉自己的其他谎言》(I’m Special: And Othe...